home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Menus and command line interface for CLUSTAL V */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "clustalv.h"
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- extern void getstr(char *,char *);
- extern double getreal(char *,double,double);
- extern int getint(char *,int,int,int);
- extern void do_system(void);
- extern void make_pamo(int);
- extern int readseqs(int);
- extern void get_path(char *,char *);
- extern void show_pair(void);
- extern void upgma(int);
- extern void myers(int);
- extern void phylogenetic_tree(void);
- extern void bootstrap_tree(void);
- extern void error(char *,...);
- extern int SeqGCGCheckSum(char *, int);
- void init_amenu(void);
- void parse_params(void);
- void main_menu(void);
- FILE * open_output_file(char *, char *, char *, char *);
- #if UNIX
- FILE * open_path(char *);
- #endif
- static Boolean check_param(char *, char *, char *, int *);
- static void get_help(int); /* Help procedure */
- static void pair_menu(void);
- static void multi_menu(void);
- static void multiple_align_menu(void); /* multiple alignments menu */
- static void profile_align_menu(void); /* profile " " */
- static void phylogenetic_tree_menu(void); /* NJ trees/distances menu */
- static void read_matrix(void);
- static void seq_input(void);
- static void align(void);
- static void make_tree(void);
- static void get_tree(void);
- static Boolean user_mat(char *);
- static void clustal_out(FILE *);
- static void nbrf_out(FILE *);
- static void gcg_out(FILE *);
- static void phylip_out(FILE *);
- static Boolean open_alignment_output(char *);
- static void create_alignment_output(void);
- static void reset(void);
- static void profile_input(int); /* DES read a profile */
- static void format_options_menu(void); /* format of alignment output */
- static void profile_align(void); /* Align 2 alignments */
- /*
- * Global variables
- */
- char *lin1, *lin2, *lin3;
- extern char *amino_acid_order;
- extern char *nucleic_acid_order;
- extern void *ckalloc(size_t);
- extern Boolean percent,is_weight,dnaflag;
- extern int wind_gap,ktup,window,signif;
- extern int dna_wind_gap, dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_signif;
- extern int prot_wind_gap,prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_signif;
- extern unsigned int boot_ran_seed;
- extern int gap_open, gap_extend;
- extern int dna_gap_open, dna_gap_extend;
- extern int prot_gap_open, prot_gap_extend;
- extern int boot_ntrials; /* number of bootstrap trials */
- extern int xover,big_pam;
- extern char *params;
- extern char seqname[],treename[];
- extern char *matptr,pam100mt[],pam250mt[],idmat[];
- extern int nseqs,nblocks;
- extern int weights[21][21];
- extern FILE * tree;
- extern FILE *clustal_outfile, *gcg_outfile, *nbrf_outfile, *phylip_outfile;
- extern char ** names, **titles;
- extern int *seqlen_array;
- extern char **seq_array;
- extern char ntrials; /* number of bootstrap trials (trees.c) */
- Boolean usemenu;
- char mtrxnam[FILENAMELEN+1];
- Boolean explicit_dnaflag; /* Explicit setting of sequence type on comm.line*/
- Boolean output_clustal, output_nbrf, output_phylip, output_gcg;
- Boolean empty;
- Boolean profile1_empty, profile2_empty; /* whether or not profiles */
- int profile1_nseqs; /* have been filled; the no. of seqs in prof 1*/
- Boolean tossgaps, kimura;
- int matnum;
- static char clustal_outname[FILENAMELEN+1], gcg_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];
- static char phylip_outname[FILENAMELEN+1],nbrf_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];
- static char *pam_matrix_name[] = {
- "PAM 100",
- "PAM 250",
- "Identity matrix",
- "user defined" };
- char usermat[210];
- void init_amenu()
- {
- matnum=2;
- empty=TRUE;
- explicit_dnaflag = FALSE;
- profile1_empty=TRUE; /* DES */
- profile2_empty=TRUE; /* DES */
- output_clustal = TRUE;
- output_gcg = FALSE;
- output_phylip = FALSE;
- output_nbrf = FALSE;
- lin1 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
- lin2 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
- lin3 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
- }
- static Boolean check_param(char *paramstr, char *probe, char *arg, int *len)
- {
- int i,j,k,paramlen;
- char testarg[80];
- paramlen = strlen(paramstr);
- i = 1;
- while(i < paramlen) {
- for(j=i+1; j<=paramlen &&
- paramstr[j] != '/' &&
- paramstr[j] != EOS; j++) ;
- for(k=i+1; k<j; k++)
- if(paramstr[k] == '=') {
- strncpy(testarg,¶mstr[i],k-i);
- if(!strncmp(testarg,probe,k-i)){
- strncpy(arg,¶mstr[k+1],j-k-1);
- arg[j-k-1] = EOS;
- *len = strlen(arg);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- strncpy(testarg,¶mstr[i],j-i);
- if(!strncmp(testarg,probe,j-i)) {
- *len = 0;
- arg[0] = EOS;
- return TRUE;
- }
- i = j + 1;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if UNIX
- FILE *open_path(char *fname) /* to open in read-only file fname searching for
- it through all path directories */
- {
- #define Mxdir 70
- char dir[Mxdir+1], *path, *deb, *fin;
- FILE *fich;
- int lf, ltot;
- path=getenv("PATH"); /* get the list of path directories,
- separated by :
- */
- if (path == NULL ) return fopen(fname,"r");
- lf=strlen(fname);
- deb=path;
- do
- {
- fin=strchr(deb,':');
- if(fin!=NULL)
- { strncpy(dir,deb,fin-deb); ltot=fin-deb; }
- else
- { strcpy(dir,deb); ltot=strlen(dir); }
- /* now one directory is in string dir */
- if( ltot + lf + 1 <= Mxdir)
- {
- dir[ltot]='/';
- strcpy(dir+ltot+1,fname); /* now dir is appended with fi
- lename */
- if( (fich = fopen(dir,"r") ) != NULL) break;
- }
- else fich = NULL;
- deb=fin+1;
- }
- while (fin != NULL);
- return fich;
- }
- #endif
- static void get_help(int help_pointer) /* Help procedure */
- {
- FILE *help_file;
- int i, number, nlines;
- Boolean found_help;
- char temp[MAXLINE+1];
- char *digits = "0123456789";
- char *help_marker = ">>HELP<<";
- #if MSDOS
- char *help_file_name = "clustalv.hlp";
- #else
- char *help_file_name = "clustalv_help";
- #endif
- #if VMS
- if((help_file=fopen(help_file_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
- #else
- #if UNIX
- if((help_file=open_path(help_file_name))==NULL) {
- #else
- if((help_file=fopen(help_file_name,"r"))==NULL) {
- #endif
- #endif
- error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file_name);
- return;
- }
- nlines = 0;
- number = -1;
- found_help = FALSE;
- while(TRUE) {
- if(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,help_file) == NULL) {
- if(!found_help)
- error("No help found in help file");
- fclose(help_file);
- return;
- }
- if(strstr(temp,help_marker)) {
- for(i=0; i<MAXLINE; i++)
- if(strchr(digits, temp[i])) {
- number = temp[i] - '0';
- break;
- }
- }
- if(number == help_pointer) {
- found_help = TRUE;
- while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,help_file)) {
- if(strstr(temp, help_marker)){
- if(usemenu) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",lin2);
- }
- fclose(help_file);
- return;
- }
- fputs(temp,stdout);
- ++nlines;
- if(usemenu) {
- if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue or X to stop",lin2);
- if(toupper(*lin2) == 'X') {
- fclose(help_file);
- return;
- }
- else
- nlines = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if(usemenu) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",lin2);
- }
- fclose(help_file);
- }
- }
- }
- void parse_params()
- {
- int i,j,k,len,lenp,temp;
- char probe[80], param_arg[80];
- int param_arg_len;
- Boolean do_align, do_tree, do_boot, do_profile, do_something;
- /* command line switches for PARAMETERS **************************/
- static char *fixedgapst = "fixedgap";
- static char *floatgapst = "floatgap";
- static char *kimurast = "kimura";
- static char *ktuplest = "ktuple";
- static char *matrixst = "matrix";
- static char *outputst = "output";
- static char *pairgapst = "pairgap";
- static char *scorest = "score";
- static char *seedst = "seed";
- static char *topdiagsst = "topdiags";
- static char *tossgapsst = "tossgaps";
- static char *transitionsst = "transitions";
- static char *typest = "type";
- static char *windowst = "window";
- /* command line switches for DATA **************************/
- static char *infilest = "infile";
- static char *profile1st = "profile1";
- static char *profile2st = "profile2";
- /* command line switches for VERBS **************************/
- static char *alignst = "align";
- static char *bootstrapst = "bootstrap";
- static char *checkst = "check"; /* /check = /help */
- static char *helpst = "help";
- static char *treest = "tree";
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," CLUSTAL V ... Multiple Sequence Alignments\n\n\n");
- do_align = do_tree = do_boot = do_profile = do_something = FALSE;
- *seqname=EOS;
- len=strlen(params);
- for(i=0;i<len;++i) params[i]=tolower(params[i]);
- if(check_param(params, helpst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len) ||
- check_param(params, checkst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len) ) {
- get_help(9);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Check to see if sequence type is explicitely stated..override ************/
- /* the automatic checking (DNA or Protein). /type=d or /type=p *************/
- /*****************************************************************************/
- if(check_param(params, typest, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(param_arg_len > 0) {
- if(param_arg[0] == 'p') {
- dnaflag = FALSE;
- explicit_dnaflag = TRUE;
- fprintf(stdout,
- "\nSequence type explicitely set to Protein\n");
- }
- else if(param_arg[0] == 'd') {
- fprintf(stdout,
- "\nSequence type explicitely set to DNA\n");
- dnaflag = TRUE;
- explicit_dnaflag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown sequence type %s\n",
- param_arg);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * check to see if 1st parameter does not start with '/' i.e. look for an *
- * input file as first parameter. The input file can also be specified *
- * by /infile=fname. *
- ****************************************************************************/
- for (i=0; params[i] != '/' && params[i] != EOS; i++) ;
- if(i > 0) {
- strncpy(seqname, ¶ms[0], i);
- seqname[i] = EOS;
- nseqs = readseqs(1);
- if(nseqs < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\nNo. of seqs. read = %d. No alignment!\n",nseqs);
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i = 1; i<=nseqs; i++)
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequence %d: %-*.s %6.d %s\n",
- i,MAXNAMES,names[i],seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
- empty = FALSE;
- do_something = TRUE;
- }
- /**************************************************/
- /* Look for /infile=file.ext on the command line */
- /**************************************************/
- if(check_param(params, infilest, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- if(param_arg_len == 0) {
- error("Bad sequence file name");
- exit(1);
- }
- strncpy(seqname, param_arg, param_arg_len);
- /* seqname[param_arg_len-1] = EOS; */
- nseqs = readseqs(1);
- if(nseqs < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\nNo. of seqs. read = %d. No alignment!\n",nseqs);
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i = 1; i<=nseqs; i++)
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequence %d: %-*.s %6.d %s\n",
- i,MAXNAMES,names[i],seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
- empty = FALSE;
- do_something = TRUE;
- }
- /*********************************************************/
- /* Look for /profile1=file.ext AND /profile2=file2.ext */
- /* You must give both file names OR neither. */
- /*********************************************************/
- if(check_param(params, profile1st, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- if(param_arg_len == 0) {
- error("Bad profile 1 file name");
- exit(1);
- }
- strncpy(seqname, param_arg, param_arg_len);
- /* seqname[param_arg_len-1] = EOS; */
- profile_input(1);
- if(nseqs <= 0)
- exit(1);
- }
- if(check_param(params, profile2st, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- if(param_arg_len == 0) {
- error("Bad profile 2 file name");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(profile1_empty) {
- error("Only 1 profile file (profile 2) specified.");
- exit(1);
- }
- strncpy(seqname, param_arg, param_arg_len);
- /* seqname[param_arg_len-1] = EOS; */
- profile_input(2);
- if(nseqs > profile1_nseqs)
- do_something = do_profile = TRUE;
- else {
- error("No sequences read from profile 2");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* Look for /tree or /bootstrap or /align ********************************/
- /*************************************************************************/
- if(check_param(params, treest, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(empty) {
- error("Cannot draw tree. No input alignment file");
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- do_tree = TRUE;
- if(check_param(params, bootstrapst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(empty) {
- error("Cannot bootstrap tree. No input alignment file");
- exit(1);
- }
- else {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0) boot_ntrials = temp;
- do_boot = TRUE;
- }
- if(check_param(params, alignst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(empty) {
- error("Cannot align sequences. No input file");
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- do_align = TRUE;
- if( (!do_tree) && (!do_boot) && (!empty) && (!do_profile) )
- do_align = TRUE;
- if(!do_something) {
- error("No input file(s) specified");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_open = dna_gap_open;
- gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
- ktup = dna_ktup;
- window = dna_window;
- signif = dna_signif;
- wind_gap = dna_wind_gap;
- }
- else {
- gap_open = prot_gap_open;
- gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
- ktup = prot_ktup;
- window = prot_window;
- signif = prot_signif;
- wind_gap = prot_wind_gap;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* look for parameters on command line e.g. gap penalties, k-tuple etc. */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*** ? /kimura */
- if(check_param(params, kimurast, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- kimura = TRUE;
- /*** ? /tossgaps */
- if(check_param(params, tossgapsst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- tossgaps = TRUE;
- /*** ? /score=percent or /score=absolute */
- if(check_param(params, scorest, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(param_arg_len > 0) {
- if(param_arg[0] == 'p')
- percent = TRUE;
- else if(param_arg[0] == 'a')
- percent = FALSE;
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown SCORE type: %s\n",
- param_arg);
- }
- /*** ? /transitions */
- if(check_param(params, transitionsst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- is_weight = FALSE;
- /*** ? /seed=n */
- if(check_param(params, seedst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0) boot_ran_seed = temp;
- fprintf(stdout,"\ntemp = %d; seed = %u;\n",temp,boot_ran_seed);
- }
- /*** ? /output=PIR, GCG or PHYLIP Only 1 can be switched on at a time */
- if(check_param(params, outputst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(param_arg_len > 0) {
- if(param_arg[0] == 'g') { /* GCG */
- output_gcg = TRUE;
- output_clustal = FALSE;
- }
- else if(param_arg[0] == 'p')
- if(param_arg[1] == 'i') {
- output_nbrf = TRUE;
- output_clustal = FALSE;
- }
- else if(param_arg[1] == 'h') {
- output_phylip = TRUE;
- output_clustal = FALSE;
- }
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown OUTPUT type: %s\n",
- param_arg);
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown OUTPUT type: %s\n",
- param_arg);
- }
- /*** ? /ktuple=n */
- if(check_param(params, ktuplest, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0) {
- if(dnaflag) {
- if(temp <= 4) {
- ktup = temp;
- dna_ktup = ktup;
- wind_gap = ktup + 4;
- dna_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(temp <= 2) {
- ktup = temp;
- prot_ktup = ktup;
- wind_gap = ktup + 3;
- prot_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*** ? /pairgap=n */
- if(check_param(params, pairgapst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0)
- if(dnaflag) {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- wind_gap = temp;
- dna_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- wind_gap = temp;
- prot_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- }
- }
- /*** ? /topdiags=n */
- if(check_param(params, topdiagsst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0)
- if(dnaflag) {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- signif = temp;
- dna_signif = signif;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- signif = temp;
- prot_signif = signif;
- }
- }
- }
- /*** ? /window=n */
- if(check_param(params, windowst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0) sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0)
- if(dnaflag) {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- window = temp;
- dna_window = window;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(temp > ktup) {
- window = temp;
- prot_window = window;
- }
- }
- }
- /*** ? /matrix=pam100, or ID or file.ext (user's file) */
- if(check_param(params, matrixst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len))
- if(param_arg_len > 0) {
- if( !strcmp(param_arg, "pam100") ) {
- matptr = pam100mt;
- make_pamo(0);
- prot_gap_open = 13;
- prot_gap_extend = 13;
- if(!dnaflag) gap_open = prot_gap_open;
- if(!dnaflag) gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
- matnum = 1;
- }
- else if( !strcmp(param_arg, "id") ) {
- matptr = idmat;
- make_pamo(0);
- matnum = 3;
- }
- else if(user_mat(param_arg))
- matnum = 4;
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown MATRIX type: %s\n",
- param_arg);
- }
- /*** ? /fixedgap=n */
- if(check_param(params, fixedgapst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0)
- sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0)
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_open = temp;
- dna_gap_open = gap_open;
- }
- else {
- gap_open = temp;
- prot_gap_open = gap_open;
- }
- }
- /*** ? /floatgap=n */
- if(check_param(params, floatgapst, param_arg, ¶m_arg_len)) {
- temp = 0;
- if(param_arg_len > 0)
- sscanf(param_arg,"%d",&temp);
- if(temp > 0)
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_extend = temp;
- dna_gap_extend = gap_extend;
- }
- else {
- gap_extend = temp;
- prot_gap_extend = gap_extend;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Now do whatever has been requested ***************************************/
- /****************************************************************************/
- if(do_profile)
- profile_align();
- if(do_align)
- align();
- if(do_tree)
- phylogenetic_tree();
- if(do_boot)
- bootstrap_tree();
- exit(1);
- /*******whew!***now*go*home****/
- }
- void main_menu()
- {
- while(TRUE) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," **************************************************************\n");
- fprintf(stdout," ********* CLUSTAL V ... Multiple Sequence Alignments ********\n");
- fprintf(stdout," **************************************************************\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Sequence Input From Disc\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Multiple Alignments\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Profile Alignments\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Phylogenetic trees\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- fprintf(stdout," S. Execute a system command\n");
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n");
- fprintf(stdout," X. EXIT (leave program)\n\n\n");
- getstr("Your choice",lin1);
- switch(toupper(*lin1)) {
- case '1': seq_input();
- break;
- case '2': multiple_align_menu();
- break;
- case '3': profile_align_menu();
- break;
- case '4': phylogenetic_tree_menu();
- break;
- case 'S': do_system();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H': get_help(1);
- break;
- case 'Q':
- case 'X': exit(0);
- break;
- default: fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void multiple_align_menu()
- {
- while(TRUE)
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"******Multiple*Alignment*Menu******\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Do complete multiple alignment now\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Produce dendrogram file only\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Use old dendrogram file\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Pairwise alignment parameters\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 5. Multiple alignment parameters\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 6. Output format options\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- fprintf(stdout," S. Execute a system command\n");
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n");
- fprintf(stdout," or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
- getstr("Your choice",lin1);
- if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
- switch(toupper(*lin1))
- {
- case '1': align();
- break;
- case '2': make_tree();
- break;
- case '3': get_tree();
- break;
- case '4': pair_menu();
- break;
- case '5': multi_menu();
- break;
- case '6': format_options_menu();
- break;
- case 'S': do_system();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H': get_help(2);
- break;
- case 'Q':
- case 'X': return;
- default: fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void profile_align_menu()
- {
- while(TRUE)
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"******Profile*Alignment*Menu******\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Input 1st. profile/sequence\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Input 2nd. profile/sequence\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Do alignment now\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Alignment parameters\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 5. Output format options\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- fprintf(stdout," S. Execute a system command\n");
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n");
- fprintf(stdout," or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
- getstr("Your choice",lin1);
- if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
- switch(toupper(*lin1))
- {
- case '1': profile_input(1); /* 1 => 1st profile */
- break;
- case '2': profile_input(2); /* 2 => 2nd profile */
- break;
- case '3': profile_align(); /* align the 2 alignments now */
- break;
- case '4': multi_menu();
- break;
- case '5': format_options_menu();
- break;
- case 'S': do_system();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H': get_help(6);
- break;
- case 'Q':
- case 'X': return;
- default: fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void phylogenetic_tree_menu()
- {
- while(TRUE)
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"******Phylogenetic*tree*Menu******\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Input an alignment\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Exclude positions with gaps? ");
- if(tossgaps)
- fprintf(stdout,"= ON\n");
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"= OFF\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Correct for multiple substitutions? ");
- if(kimura)
- fprintf(stdout,"= ON\n");
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"= OFF\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Draw tree now\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 5. Bootstrap tree\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- fprintf(stdout," S. Execute a system command\n");
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n");
- fprintf(stdout," or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
- getstr("Your choice",lin1);
- if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
- switch(toupper(*lin1))
- {
- case '1': seq_input();
- break;
- case '2': tossgaps ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '3': kimura ^= TRUE;;
- break;
- case '4': phylogenetic_tree();
- break;
- case '5': bootstrap_tree();
- break;
- case 'S': do_system();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H': get_help(7);
- break;
- case 'Q':
- case 'X': return;
- default: fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void format_options_menu() /* format of alignment output */
- {
- char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
- while(TRUE) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," ********* Format of Alignment Output *********\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Toggle CLUSTAL format output = %s\n",
- (!output_clustal) ? "OFF" : "ON");
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Toggle NBRF/PIR format output = %s\n",
- (!output_nbrf) ? "OFF" : "ON");
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Toggle GCG format output = %s\n",
- (!output_gcg) ? "OFF" : "ON");
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Toggle PHYLIP format output = %s\n\n",
- (!output_phylip) ? "OFF" : "ON");
- if(empty)
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
- else
- fprintf(stdout," 5. Create alignment output file(s) now?\n");
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n\n\n");
- getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
- if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
- switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
- case '1':
- output_clustal ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '2':
- output_nbrf ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '3':
- output_gcg ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '4':
- output_phylip ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '5':
- if(empty) break;
- get_path(seqname,path);
- if(!open_alignment_output(path)) break;
- create_alignment_output();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H':
- get_help(5);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void pair_menu()
- {
- if(dnaflag) {
- ktup = dna_ktup;
- window = dna_window;
- signif = dna_signif;
- wind_gap = dna_wind_gap;
- }
- else {
- ktup = prot_ktup;
- window = prot_window;
- signif = prot_signif;
- wind_gap = prot_wind_gap;
- }
- while(TRUE) {
- lin3 = percent ? "Percentage" : "Absolute";
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," ********* WILBUR/LIPMAN PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS *********\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Toggle Scoring Method :%s\n",lin3);
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Gap Penalty :%d\n",wind_gap);
- fprintf(stdout," 3. K-tuple :%d\n",ktup);
- fprintf(stdout," 4. No. of top diagonals :%d\n",signif);
- fprintf(stdout," 5. Window size :%d\n\n",window);
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n\n\n");
- getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
- if( *lin2 == EOS) {
- if(dnaflag) {
- dna_ktup = ktup;
- dna_window = window;
- dna_signif = signif;
- dna_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- else {
- prot_ktup = ktup;
- prot_window = window;
- prot_signif = signif;
- prot_wind_gap = wind_gap;
- }
- return;
- }
- switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
- case '1':
- percent ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '2':
- fprintf(stdout,"Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",wind_gap);
- wind_gap=getint("Enter number",1,500,wind_gap);
- break;
- case '3':
- fprintf(stdout,"K-tuple Currently: %d\n",ktup);
- ktup=getint("Enter number",1,4,ktup);
- break;
- case '4':
- fprintf(stdout,"Top diagonals Currently: %d\n",signif);
- signif=getint("Enter number",1,MAXLEN,signif);
- break;
- case '5':
- fprintf(stdout,"Window size Currently: %d\n",window);
- window=getint("Enter number",1,50,window);
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H':
- get_help(3);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void multi_menu()
- {
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_open = dna_gap_open;
- gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
- }
- else {
- gap_open = prot_gap_open;
- gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
- }
- while(TRUE) {
- lin3 = is_weight ? "Weighted" :"Unweighted";
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," ********* MYERS/MILLER MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS *********\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. Fixed Gap Penalty :%d\n",gap_open);
- fprintf(stdout," 2. Floating Gap Penalty :%d\n",gap_extend);
- fprintf(stdout," 3. Toggle Transitions (DNA):%s\n",lin3);
- fprintf(stdout," 4. Protein weight matrix :%s\n\n"
- ,pam_matrix_name[matnum-1]);
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n\n\n");
- getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
- if(*lin2 == EOS) {
- if(dnaflag) {
- dna_gap_open = gap_open;
- dna_gap_extend = gap_extend;
- }
- else {
- prot_gap_open = gap_open;
- prot_gap_extend = gap_extend;
- }
- return;
- }
- switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
- case '1':
- fprintf(stdout,"Fixed Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",gap_open);
- gap_open=getint("Enter number",1,100,gap_open);
- break;
- case '2':
- fprintf(stdout,"Floating Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",gap_extend);
- gap_extend=getint("Enter number",1,100,gap_extend);
- break;
- case '3':
- is_weight ^= TRUE;
- break;
- case '4':
- read_matrix();
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H':
- get_help(4);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void read_matrix()
- { static char userfile[FILENAMELEN+1];
- while(TRUE)
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," ********* PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX MENU *********\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout," 1. %s\n",pam_matrix_name[0]);
- fprintf(stdout," 2. %s\n",pam_matrix_name[1]);
- fprintf(stdout," 3. %s\n",pam_matrix_name[2]);
- fprintf(stdout," 4. %s\n\n",pam_matrix_name[3]);
- fprintf(stdout," H. HELP\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,
- " -- Current matrix is the %s ",pam_matrix_name[matnum-1]);
- if(matnum == 4) fprintf(stdout,"(file = %s)",userfile);
- fprintf(stdout,"--\n");
- getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
- if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
- switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
- case '1':
- matptr=pam100mt;
- make_pamo(0);
- prot_gap_open = 13;
- prot_gap_extend = 13;
- matnum=1;
- break;
- case '2':
- matptr=pam250mt;
- make_pamo(0);
- prot_gap_open = 10;
- prot_gap_extend = 10;
- matnum=2;
- break;
- case '3':
- matptr=idmat;
- make_pamo(0);
- prot_gap_open = 10;
- prot_gap_extend = 10;
- matnum=3;
- break;
- case '4':
- if(user_mat(userfile)) matnum=4;
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'H':
- get_help(8);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static Boolean user_mat(char *str)
- {
- int i,j,nv,pos,idx,val;
- FILE *infile;
- if(usemenu)
- getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",lin2);
- else
- strcpy(lin2,str);
- if(*lin2 == EOS) return FALSE;
- if((infile=fopen(lin2,"r"))==NULL) {
- error("Cannot find matrix file [%s]",lin2);
- return FALSE;
- }
- strcpy(str,lin2);
- strcpy(mtrxnam,lin2);
- idx=0;
- for(i=0;i<20;++i)
- for(j=0;j<=i;++j) {
- if( fscanf(infile,"%d",&val) == EOF) {
- error("Input matrix has too few values");
- return FALSE;
- }
- usermat[idx++]=(char)val;
- }
- fclose(infile);
- matptr=usermat;
- make_pamo(0);
- return TRUE;
- }
- static void seq_input()
- {
- char c;
- int i;
- if(usemenu) {
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\nSequences should all be in 1 file.\n");
- fprintf(stdout,
- "\n3 formats accepted: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt, Pearson (Fasta).\n");
- fprintf(stdout,
- "\nGCG users should use TOPIR to convert their sequence files before use.\n\n\n");
- }
- nseqs = readseqs(1); /* DES 1 is the first seq to be read */
- if(nseqs < 0) /* file could not be opened */
- {
- nseqs = 0;
- empty = TRUE;
- }
- else if(nseqs == 0) /* no sequences */
- {
- error("No sequences in file! Bad format?");
- empty = TRUE;
- }
- else if(nseqs == 1)
- {
- error("Only one sequence in file!");
- empty = TRUE;
- nseqs = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\nSequences assumed to be %s \n\n",
- dnaflag?"DNA":"PROTEIN");
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequence %d: %-*.s %6.d %s\n",
- i,MAXNAMES,names[i],seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
- }
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_open = dna_gap_open;
- gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
- }
- else {
- gap_open = prot_gap_open;
- gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
- }
- empty=FALSE;
- }
- }
- static void profile_input(int profile_no) /* DES read a profile */
- { /* profile_no is 1 or 2 */
- char c;
- int local_nseqs, i;
- if(profile_no == 2 && profile1_empty)
- {
- error("You must read in profile number 1 first");
- return;
- }
- if(profile_no == 1) /* for the 1st profile */
- {
- local_nseqs = readseqs(1); /* (1) means 1st seq to be read = no. 1 */
- if(local_nseqs < 0) /* file could not be opened */
- return;
- else if(local_nseqs == 0) /* no sequences */
- {
- error("No sequences in file! Bad format?");
- return;
- }
- else
- { /* success; found some seqs. */
- nseqs = profile1_nseqs = local_nseqs;
- fprintf(stdout,"\nNo. of seqs=%d\n",nseqs);
- profile1_empty=FALSE;
- profile2_empty=TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* first seq to be read = profile1_nseqs + 1 */
- local_nseqs = readseqs(profile1_nseqs+1);
- if(local_nseqs < 0) /* file could not be opened */
- profile2_empty = TRUE;
- else if(local_nseqs == 0) /* no sequences */
- {
- error("No sequences in file! Bad format?");
- profile2_empty = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"\nNo. of seqs in profile=%d\n",local_nseqs);
- nseqs = profile1_nseqs + local_nseqs;
- fprintf(stdout,"\nTotal no. of seqs =%d\n",nseqs);
- profile2_empty=FALSE;
- empty = FALSE;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stdout,"\nSequences assumed to be %s \n\n",
- dnaflag?"DNA":"PROTEIN");
- for(i=profile2_empty?1:profile1_nseqs+1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- fprintf(stdout,"Sequence %d: %-*.s %6.d %s\n",
- i,MAXNAMES,names[i],seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
- }
- if(dnaflag) {
- gap_open = dna_gap_open;
- gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
- }
- else {
- gap_open = prot_gap_open;
- gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
- }
- }
- FILE * open_output_file(char *prompt, char *path,
- char *file_name, char *file_extension)
- { static char temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
- static char local_prompt[MAXLINE];
- FILE * file_handle;
- strcpy(file_name,path);
- strcat(file_name,file_extension);
- strcpy(local_prompt,prompt);
- strcat(local_prompt," [%s]: ");
- if(usemenu) {
- fprintf(stdout,local_prompt,file_name);
- gets(temp);
- if(*temp != EOS) strcpy(file_name,temp);
- }
- #if VMS
- if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
- #else
- if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w"))==NULL) {
- #endif
- error("Cannot open output file [%s]",file_name);
- return NULL;
- }
- return file_handle;
- }
- static void align()
- {
- char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
- int oldmax,oldneut;
- if(empty && usemenu) {
- error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
- return;
- }
- get_path(seqname,path);
- if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
- if((tree = open_output_file(
- "\nEnter a name for the dendrogram file ",
- path,treename,"dnd"))==NULL) return;
- fclose(tree);
- if(dnaflag) {
- ktup = dna_ktup;
- window = dna_window;
- signif = dna_signif;
- wind_gap = dna_wind_gap;
- }
- else {
- ktup = prot_ktup;
- window = prot_window;
- signif = prot_signif;
- wind_gap = prot_wind_gap;
- }
- reset();
- fprintf(stdout,"\nStart of Pairwise alignments\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"Aligning...\n");
- show_pair();
- upgma(nseqs);
- if((tree=fopen(treename,"r"))==NULL) {
- error("Cannot open file [%s]",treename);
- return;
- }
- oldneut=xover;
- oldmax=big_pam;
- myers(0);
- big_pam=oldmax;
- xover=oldneut;
- fclose(tree);
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"Consensus length = %d\n",seqlen_array[1]);
- create_alignment_output();
- }
- static void make_tree()
- {
- char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
- if(empty) {
- error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
- return;
- }
- get_path(seqname,path);
- strcpy(treename,path);
- strcat(treename,"dnd");
- fprintf(stdout,"\nEnter a name for the DENDROGRAM file [%s]: ",treename);
- gets(temp);
- if(*temp != EOS)
- strcpy(treename,temp);
- #if VMS
- if((tree=fopen(treename,"w","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
- #else
- if((tree=fopen(treename,"w"))==NULL) {
- #endif
- error("Cannot open file [%s]",treename);
- return;
- }
- fclose(tree);
- if(dnaflag) {
- ktup = dna_ktup;
- window = dna_window;
- signif = dna_signif;
- wind_gap = dna_wind_gap;
- }
- else {
- ktup = prot_ktup;
- window = prot_window;
- signif = prot_signif;
- wind_gap = prot_wind_gap;
- }
- reset();
- fprintf(stdout,"\nStart of Pairwise alignments\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"Aligning...\n");
- show_pair();
- upgma(nseqs);
- fprintf(stdout,"\nDENDROGRAM file created [%s]\n",treename);
- }
- static void get_tree()
- {
- char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
- int count,oldmax,oldneut;
- if(empty) {
- error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
- return;
- }
- get_path(seqname,path);
- strcpy(treename,path);
- strcat(treename,"dnd");
- fprintf(stdout,"\nEnter a name for the DENDROGRAM file [%s]:",treename);
- gets(temp);
- if(*temp != EOS)
- strcpy(treename,temp);
- if((tree=fopen(treename,"r"))==NULL) {
- error("Cannot open file [%s]",treename);
- return;
- }
- count=0;
- while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,tree)!=NULL) ++count;
- fclose(tree);
- if(++count != nseqs) {
- error("Dendrogram file is not consistent with the sequence data");
- return;
- }
- if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
- reset();
- if((tree=fopen(treename,"r"))==NULL) {
- error("Cannot open file [%s]",treename);
- return;
- }
- oldmax=big_pam;
- oldneut=xover;
- myers(0);
- xover=oldneut;
- big_pam=oldmax;
- fclose(tree);
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"Consensus length = %d\n",seqlen_array[1]);
- create_alignment_output();
- }
- static void profile_align()
- {
- char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
- int count,oldmax,oldneut;
- if(profile2_empty) {
- error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
- return;
- }
- get_path(seqname,path);
- if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
- reset();
- oldmax=big_pam;
- oldneut=xover;
- myers(1);
- xover=oldneut;
- big_pam=oldmax;
- fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"Consensus length = %d\n",seqlen_array[1]);
- create_alignment_output();
- }
- static void clustal_out(FILE *clusout)
- {
- static char seq1[MAXLEN+1];
- char temp[MAXLINE];
- int val,i,j,k,a,b,len;
- int chunks,ident,lv1,pos,ptr,copt,flag;
- fprintf(clusout,"CLUSTAL V multiple sequence alignment\n\n\n");
- len=seqlen_array[1];
- chunks = len/LINELENGTH;
- if(len % LINELENGTH != 0)
- ++chunks;
- for(lv1=1;lv1<=chunks;++lv1) {
- pos = ((lv1-1)*LINELENGTH)+1;
- ptr = (len<pos+LINELENGTH-1) ? len : pos+LINELENGTH-1;
- for(i=1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
- for(j=pos;j<=ptr;++j) {
- val=seq_array[i][j];
- if(val==0 || val>20)
- seq1[j]='X';
- else
- if(val<0) seq1[j]='-';
- else {
- if(dnaflag)
- seq1[j]=nucleic_acid_order[val];
- else
- seq1[j]=amino_acid_order[val];
- }
- }
- strncpy(temp,&seq1[pos],ptr-pos+1);
- temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
- fprintf(clusout,"%-15s %s\n",names[i],temp);
- }
- copt = ((nseqs*nseqs) - nseqs) / 2;
- for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
- seq1[i]=' ';
- ident=0;
- for(j=1;j<=nseqs;++j)
- if(seq_array[1][i] == seq_array[j][i])
- ++ident;
- if(ident==nseqs)
- seq1[i]='*';
- else {
- if(!dnaflag) {
- ident=flag=0;
- for(j=1;j<=nseqs;++j) {
- for(k=j+1;k<=nseqs;++k)
- if(seq_array[j][i]>0 && seq_array[k][i]>0) {
- if(weights[seq_array[j][i]][seq_array[k][i]]<xover)
- ++ident;
- else {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- flag=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if(flag)
- break;
- }
- if(flag)
- continue;
- if(ident==copt)
- seq1[i]='.';
- }
- }
- }
- strncpy(temp,&seq1[pos],ptr-pos+1);
- temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
- fprintf(clusout," %s\n\n",temp);
- ++nblocks;
- }
- /*
- fprintf(stdout,"\nEnd of Multiple Alignment\n\n");
- fprintf(clusout,"\nEnd of Multiple Alignment\n\n");
- fprintf(clusout,"\nKey:\n Identity: #\n Conservative: ^\n\n");
- fprintf(clusout,"\nParameters:\n\n");
- fprintf(clusout,"Ktup: %d\nWilbur Gap: %d\nCutoff: %d\nDiagonal: %d\n",
- ktup,wind_gap,signif,window);
- fprintf(clusout,"Fixed Gap: %d\nFloating Gap: %d\n\n",gap_open,gap_extend);
- fprintf(clusout,"Sequences were: ");
- fprintf(clusout,dnaflag ? "Nucleic Acid\n" : "Proteins\n");
- fprintf(clusout,percent ? "Percentage" : "Absolute");
- fprintf(clusout," Identities Were Scored\n");
- if(dnaflag) {
- fprintf(clusout,"Nucleotide Transitions: ");
- fprintf(clusout,is_weight ? "WEIGHTED\n" : "UNWEIGHTED\n");
- }
- fprintf(clusout,"Sequence Input file: %s\n",seqname);
- fprintf(clusout,"Matrix used: ");
- if(matptr==idmat)
- fprintf(clusout,"No penalty\n");
- else
- if(matptr==pam250mt)
- fprintf(clusout,"PAM 250\n");
- else
- if(matptr==pam100mt)
- fprintf(clusout,"PAM 100\n");
- else
- fprintf(clusout,"%s\n",mtrxnam);
- */
- }
- static void gcg_out(FILE *gcgout)
- {
- /* static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
- /* static char *nbases = "XACGT"; */
- char seq[MAXLEN+1], residue;
- int all_checks[MAXN+1];
- int i,j,k,len,val,check,chunks,block,pos1,pos2;
- long grand_checksum;
- len = seqlen_array[1];
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- for(j=1; j<=len; j++) {
- val = seq_array[i][j];
- if(val == 0 || val > 20)
- residue = 'X';
- else if(val < 0)
- residue = '.';
- else {
- if(dnaflag)
- residue = nucleic_acid_order[val];
- else
- residue = amino_acid_order[val];
- }
- seq[j] = residue;
- }
- all_checks[i] = SeqGCGCheckSum(seq+1, len);
- }
- grand_checksum = 0;
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) grand_checksum += all_checks[i];
- grand_checksum = grand_checksum % 10000;
- fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n MSF:%5d Type: ",len);
- if(dnaflag)
- fprintf(gcgout,"N");
- else
- fprintf(gcgout,"P");
- fprintf(gcgout," Check:%6d .. \n\n", grand_checksum);
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++)
- /* for(j=0; j<MAXNAMES; j++)
- if(names[i][j] == ' ') names[i][j] = '_'; */
- fprintf(gcgout,
- " Name: %-15s oo Len:%5d Check:%6d Weight: 1.00\n",
- names[i],len,all_checks[i]);
- fprintf(gcgout,"\n//\n");
- chunks = len/GCG_LINELENGTH;
- if(len % GCG_LINELENGTH != 0) ++chunks;
- for(block=1; block<=chunks; block++) {
- fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n");
- pos1 = ((block-1) * GCG_LINELENGTH) + 1;
- pos2 = (len<pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1)? len : pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1;
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- fprintf(gcgout,"\n%-15s ",names[i]);
- for(j=pos1, k=1; j<=pos2; j++, k++) {
- val = seq_array[i][j];
- if(val == 0 || val > 20)
- residue = 'X';
- else if(val < 0)
- residue = '.';
- else {
- if(dnaflag)
- residue = nucleic_acid_order[val];
- else
- residue = amino_acid_order[val];
- }
- fprintf(gcgout,"%c",residue);
- if(j % 10 == 0) fprintf(gcgout," ");
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n");
- }
- static void phylip_out(FILE *phyout)
- {
- /* static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
- /* static char *nbases = "XACGT"; */
- char residue;
- int i,j,k,len,val,chunks,block,pos1,pos2;
- len = seqlen_array[1];
- chunks = len/GCG_LINELENGTH;
- if(len % GCG_LINELENGTH != 0) ++chunks;
- fprintf(phyout,"%6d %6d",nseqs,len);
- for(block=1; block<=chunks; block++) {
- pos1 = ((block-1) * GCG_LINELENGTH) + 1;
- pos2 = (len<pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1)? len : pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1;
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- if(block == 1)
- fprintf(phyout,"\n%-10s ",names[i]);
- else
- fprintf(phyout,"\n ");
- for(j=pos1, k=1; j<=pos2; j++, k++) {
- val = seq_array[i][j];
- if(val == 0 || val > 20)
- residue = 'X';
- else if(val < 0)
- residue = '-';
- else {
- if(dnaflag)
- residue = nucleic_acid_order[val];
- else
- residue = amino_acid_order[val];
- }
- fprintf(phyout,"%c",residue);
- if(j % 10 == 0) fprintf(phyout," ");
- }
- }
- fprintf(phyout,"\n");
- }
- }
- static void nbrf_out(FILE *nbout)
- {
- /* static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
- /* static char *nbases = "XACGT"; */
- char seq[MAXLEN+1], residue;
- int i,j,len,val;
- len = seqlen_array[1];
- for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
- fprintf(nbout, dnaflag ? ">DL;" : ">P1;");
- fprintf(nbout, "%s\n%s\n", names[i], titles[i]);
- for(j=1; j<=len; j++) {
- val = seq_array[i][j];
- if(val == 0 || val > 20)
- residue = 'X';
- else if(val < 0)
- residue = '-';
- else {
- if(dnaflag)
- residue = nucleic_acid_order[val];
- else
- residue = amino_acid_order[val];
- }
- seq[j] = residue;
- }
- for(j=1; j<=len; j++) {
- fprintf(nbout,"%c",seq[j]);
- if((j % LINELENGTH == 0) || (j == len))
- fprintf(nbout,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(nbout,"*\n");
- }
- }
- static Boolean open_alignment_output(char *path)
- {
- if(output_clustal)
- if((clustal_outfile = open_output_file(
- "\nEnter a name for the CLUSTAL output file ",path,
- clustal_outname,"aln"))==NULL) return FALSE;
- if(output_nbrf)
- if((nbrf_outfile = open_output_file(
- "\nEnter a name for the NBRF/PIR output file",path,
- nbrf_outname,"pir"))==NULL) return FALSE;
- if(output_gcg)
- if((gcg_outfile = open_output_file(
- "\nEnter a name for the GCG output file ",path,
- gcg_outname,"msf"))==NULL) return FALSE;
- if(output_phylip)
- if((phylip_outfile = open_output_file(
- "\nEnter a name for the PHYLIP output file ",path,
- phylip_outname,"phy"))==NULL) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- static void create_alignment_output()
- {
- if(output_clustal) {
- clustal_out(clustal_outfile);
- fclose(clustal_outfile);
- fprintf(stdout,"\nCLUSTAL-Alignment file created [%s]\n",clustal_outname);
- }
- if(output_nbrf) {
- nbrf_out(nbrf_outfile);
- fclose(nbrf_outfile);
- fprintf(stdout,"\nNBRF/PIR-Alignment file created [%s]\n",nbrf_outname);
- }
- if(output_gcg) {
- gcg_out(gcg_outfile);
- fclose(gcg_outfile);
- fprintf(stdout,"\nGCG-Alignment file created [%s]\n",gcg_outname);
- }
- if(output_phylip) {
- phylip_out(phylip_outfile);
- fclose(phylip_outfile);
- fprintf(stdout,"\nPHYLIP-Alignment file created [%s]\n",phylip_outname);
- }
- }
- static void reset() /* remove gaps from older alignments (code = -1) */
- { /* EXCEPT for gaps that were INPUT with the seqs.*/
- register int i,j,sl; /* which have code = -2 */
- for(i=1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
- sl=0;
- for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
- if(seq_array[i][j] == -1) continue;
- ++sl;
- seq_array[i][sl]=seq_array[i][j];
- }
- seqlen_array[i]=sl;
- }
- }